Synthesis, insertion, and characterization of SARS-CoV-2 membrane protein within lipid bilayers, Y Zhang, S Anbir, J McTiernan, S Li, M Worcester, P Mishra, ME Colvin, U. Mohideen, A. Gopinathan, R.Zandi, T. Kuhlman, Science Advances 10 (9), eadm7030
Beyond the kill: The allometry of predation behaviours among large carnivores. VPS Ritwika, A Gopinathan, JD Yeakel, The Journal of Animal Ecology, 93(5):554-566
Symmetry-group-protected microfluidics, J Gonzalez, A Gopinathan, B Liu, Physical Review Research 6 (2), 023234
Tunable intracellular transport on converging microtubule morphologies, N Sarpangala, B Randell, A Gopinathan, O Kogan, Biophysical Reports 4 (3)
Migration and proliferation drive the emergence of patterns in co-cultures of differentiating vascular progenitor cells, JEZ Alvarado, KE McCloskey, A Gopinathan, Mathematical biosciences and engineering: MBE 21 (8), 6731
Optimal mechanical interactions direct multicellular network formation on elastic substrates, PS Noerr, JE Zamora Alvarado, F Golnaraghi, KE McCloskey, A. Gopinathan. K. Dasbiswas, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (45), e2301555120
Non-specific cargo–filament interactions slow down motor-driven transport, JA Labastide, DA Quint, RK Cullen, B Maelfeyt, JL Ross, A Gopinathan, The European Physical Journal E 46 (12), 134
Effects of cytoskeletal network mesh size on cargo transport, N Krishnan, N Sarpangala, M Gamez, A Gopinathan, JL Ross, The European Physical Journal E 46 (11), 1092023
Optimal foraging strategies for mutually avoiding competitors, F Golnaraghi, DA Quint, A Gopinathan, Journal of Theoretical Biology 570, 111537
"Feedback linking cell envelope stiffness, curvature, and synthesis enables robust rod-shaped bacterial growth", S Al-Mosleh, A Gopinathan, CD Santangelo, KC Huang, ER Rojas, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (41), e2200728119
"Bringing balance to the (osmotic) force" , Ajay Gopinathan, Journal Club for Condensed matter Physics, DOI: 10.36471
"Cargo surface fluidity can reduce inter-motor mechanical interference, promote load-sharing and enhance processivity in teams of molecular motors", Niranjan Sarpangala, Ajay Gopinathan, PLOS Computational Biology 18 (6), e1010217
"Collective states of active particles with elastic dipolar interactions", S Bose, PS Noerr, A Gopinathan, A Gopinath, K Dasbiswas, Frontiers in Physics, 379
"Geometric effects induce anomalous size-dependent active transport in structured environments", Pooja Chopra, David Quint, Ajay Gopinathan, Bin Liu
Physical Review Fluids 7 (7), L071101
"Tuning three-dimensional nano-assembly in the mesoscale via bis (imino) pyridine molecular functionalization", Ryan Brisbin, Mark Bartolo, Michael Leville, Arya K Rajan, Basharat Jahan, Kara E McCloskey, Ajay Gopinathan, Sayantani Ghosh, Ryan Baxter, Scientific Reports, 12 (1) 1
" Entropy-driven translocation of disordered proteins through the Gram-positive bacterial cell wall", David K Halladin, Fabian E Ortega, Katharine M Ng, Matthew J Footer, Nenad S Mitić, Saša N Malkov, Ajay Gopinathan, Kerwyn Casey Huang, Julie A Theriot, Nature Microbiology 6(8) 1055
"Active nematic order and dynamic lane formation of microtubules driven by membrane-bound diffusing motors", Fereshteh L Memarian, Joseph D Lopes, Fabian Jan Schwarzendahl, Madhuvanthi Guruprasad Athani, Niranjan Sarpangala, Ajay Gopinathan, Daniel A Beller, Kinjal Dasbiswas, Linda S Hirst, PNAS 118(52) e2117107118
" Chiral twisting in cytoskeletal polymers regulates filament size and orientation", Handuo Shi, David Quint, Greg Grason, Ajay Gopinathan, Kerwyn Casey Huang, Nature Communications 11 (1), 1-12
"Exploratory dynamics of vocal foraging during infant-caregiver communication", VPS Ritwika, Gina M Pretzer, Sara Mendoza, Christopher Shedd, Christopher T Kello, Ajay Gopinathan, Anne S Warlaumont, Scientific Reports 10, 1 (2020)
"Multiple Kinesin-1 Motors Make for Faster Transport Through Dense Microtubule Networks", Joelle Labastide, David Quint, Reilly Curtin, Ajay Gopinathan, Jennifer Ross (arXiv)
"Cytoskeletal filament length controlled dynamic sequestering of intracellular cargo", Bryan Maelfeyt, Ajay Gopinathan (arXiv)
"Cargo diffusion shortens single-kinesin runs at low viscous drag", John Wilson, David Quint, Ajay Gopinathan and Jing Xu, Scientific reports 9 (1), 4104
"Anomalous intracellular transport phases depend on cytoskeletal network features", Bryan Maelfeyt, S.M. Tabei, Ajay Gopinathan, Physical Review E 99 (6), 062404
"Membrane mediated motor kinetics in microtubule gliding assays", J Lopes, DA Quint, DE Chapman, M Xu, A Gopinathan, LS Hirst, Scientific reports 9 (1), 9584
"Cell cluster migration: Connecting experiments with physical models", Ajay Gopinathan and Nir Gov, Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology https://doi.org/10.1016/j.semcdb.2018.09.009
"Frustration-induced phases in migrating cell clusters", Katherine Copenhagen, Gema Malet-Engra, Weimiao Yu, Giorgio Scita, Nir Gov and Ajay Gopinathan, Science Advances, 4 (9), eaar8483 (2018)
"Growth of Form in Thin Elastic Structures", Salem Al Mosleh, Ajay Gopinathan and Chris Santangelo, Soft Matter, 14, 8361 (2018)
"Interactions between a fluctuating polymer barrier and transport factors together with enzyme action are sufficient for selective and rapid transport through the nuclear pore", S Ro, Ajay Gopinathan, Yong Woon Kim, Physical Review E 98 (1), 012403journals.aps.org/pre/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevE.98.012403
"Plasmon-actuated nano-assembled microshells", Makiko T Quint, Som Sarang, David A Quint, Amir Keshavarz, Benjamin J Stokes, Anand Bala Subramaniam, Kerwyn Casey Huang, Ajay Gopinathan, Linda S Hirst, Sayantani Ghosh, Scientific reports, 7, 17788 (2017)
"Cooperative interactions between different classes of disordered proteins play a functional role in the nuclear pore complex of Baker’s yeast", D. Ando, A. Gopinathan, PLoS ONE 12(1): e0169455 (2017)
" Multifactorial Optimizations for Directing Endothelial Fate from Stem Cells", Drew E. Glaser, William S. Turner, Nicole Madfis, Lian Wong, Jose Zamora, Samuel Reyes, Andrew Burns, Ajay Gopinathan, Kara E. McCloskey, PLoS ONE 11(12): e0166663 (2016)
"Low temperature excitonic spectroscopy and dynamics as a probe of quality in hybrid perovskite thin films", Som Sarang, Ishihara Hidetaka, Yen-Chang Chen, Oliver Lin, Ajay Gopinathan, Vincent C. Tung, and Sayantani Ghosh, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016, 18, 28428 - 28433 [cover article].
"Shape selection of surface-bound helical filaments: biopolymers on curved membranes" D. A. Quint, A. Gopinathan and G. M. Grason, Biophysical Journal 111, 1575 (2016).
"Self-organized sorting limits behavioral variability in swarms", K. Copenhagen, D.A. Quint, A. Gopinathan, Scientific Reports, 6, 31808 (2016).
"Active matter clusters at interfaces.", K. Copenhagen and A. Gopinathan , Front. Mater. 3:13. doi: 10.3389/fmats.2016.00013
"Microtubule defects influence kinesin-based transport in vitro", Winnie Liang, K Faysal, Stephen King, Ajay Gopinathan, and Jing Xu, Biophysical Journal, 110, 10, 2229 (2016)
"Quantitative Determination of the Probability of Multiple-Motor Transport in Bead-Based Assays", Qiaochu Li, Stephen King, Ajay Gopinathan, and Jing Xu Biophysical Journal, 110, 12, 2720 (2016)
"Cytoskeletal network morphology regulates intracellular transport dynamics" , D. Ando, N. Korabel, K.C. Huang, A. Gopinathan, Biophysical Journal, 109(8), (2015) [cover article]
"Topologically induced swarming phase transition on a 2D percolated lattice", D. Quint, A Gopinathan, Physical Biology, 17,12(4) 046008 (2015)
"Cooperative protofilament switching emerges from inter-motor interference in multiple-motor transport", D. Ando, M.K. Mattson, J. Xu, A. Gopinathan, Scientific reports, 4, 7255 (2014)
"Optimal cooperative searching using purely repulsive interactions", N. Tani, A. Blatt, D. Quint, A Gopinathan, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 361, 159–164 (2014)
"Nuclear Pore Complex Protein Sequences Determine Overall Copolymer Brush Structure and Function",D Ando, R Zandi, YW Kim, M Colvin, M Rexach, A Gopinathan, Biophysical Journal 106 (9), 1997 (2014)
"Physical Motif Clustering within Intrinsically Disordered Nucleoporin Sequences Reveals Universal Functional Features", D Ando, M Colvin, M Rexach, A Gopinathan, PloS one 8 (9), e73831 (2013)
"Mechanical Consequences of Cell-Wall Turnover in the Elongation of a Gram-Positive Bacterium", G Misra, ER Rojas, A Gopinathan, KC Huang, Biophysical journal 104 (11), 2342-2352 (2013)
"Plasmon-induced enhancement of intra-ensemble FRET in quantum dots on wrinkled thin films", CGL Ferri, RH Inman, B Rich, A Gopinathan, M Khine, S Ghosh, Optical Materials Express 3 (3), 383-389, (2013)
"Design of High-Specificity Nanocarriers by Exploiting Non-Equilibrium Effects in Cancer Cell Targeting", K Tsekouras, I Goncharenko, ME Colvin, KC Huang, A Gopinathan, PloS one 8 (6) (2013)
"Nucleotide-dependent conformations of FtsZ dimers and force generation observed through molecular dynamics simulations" , Jen Hsin, Ajay Gopinathan and K.C. Huang, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 109 (24): 9432 (2012)
"Conformational collapse of surface-bound helical filaments" David Quint, Ajay Gopinathan and Greg Grason, Soft Matter 8 (36), 9460-9468 (2012)
"Measuring the stiffness of bacterial cells from growth rates in hydrogels of tunable elasticity" Tuson Hannah H.; Auer George K.; Renner Lars D.; et al., Molecular Microbiology, 84(5), 874 (2012)
"Conformational changes, diffusion and collective behavior in monomeric kinesin based motility" K.C. Huang, C. Vega and Ajay Gopinathan, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 23 (37), 374106 (2011)
"Shrink-Film Configurable Multi-scale Wrinkles for Functional Alignment of Human Embryonic Stem Cells and their Cardiac Derivatives,", Chen, A., Lieu, D.K., Freschauf, L., Lew, V., Sharma, H., Wang, J., Nguyen, D., Karakikes, I., Hajjar, R.J., Gopinathan, A., Botvinick, E., Fowlkes, C.C., Li, R.A., Khine, M.,Advanced Materials, 2011, doi:10.1002/adma.201103463
"Cylindrical luminescent solar concentrators with near-infrared quantum dots", R. H. Inman, G. V. Shcherbatyuk, D. Medvedko, A. Gopinathan, and S. Ghosh, Optics Express, Vol. 19, Issue 24, pp. 24308-24313 (2011)
"Modeling the formation of in vitro filopodia", K.-C. Lee, Ajay Gopinathan, J. M. Schwarz, Journal of Mathematical Biology 63(2), 229 (2011)
"Vicious Levy Flights", Igor Goncharenko and Ajay Gopinathan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 190601 (2010)
"Bimetallic nanopetals for thousand-fold fluorescence enhancements", Chi-Cheng Fu, Giulia Ossato, Maureen Long, Michelle A. Digman, Ajay Gopinathan, Luke P. Lee, Enrico Gratton, and Michelle Khine, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 203101 (2010); doi:10.1063/1.3495773
"Vicious Walks with Long-range Interactions", Igor Goncharenko and Ajay Gopinathan, Phys. Rev. E 82, 011126 (2010)
"Out-of-equilibrium behavior of Casimir-type fluctuation induced forces for free classical fields", David S. Dean and Ajay Gopinathan, Phys. Rev. E 81, 041126 (2010)
“A Bimodal Distribution of Two Distinct Categories of Natively Unfolded Structures with Separate Functions in FG Nucleoporins”, Justin Yamada; Joshua L Phillips; Samir Patel; Gabriel Goldfien; Alison Calestagne-Morelli; Hans Huang; Ryan Reza; Justin Acheson; Viswanathan Krishnan; Shawn Newsam; Ajay Gopinathan; Edmond Y Lau; Michael Colvin; Vladimir N Uversky; Michael F Rexach, Molecular and Cellular Proteomics (2010) doi:10.1074/mcp.M000035-MCP201
"Frequency-dependent Chemotactic Target Selection" Sarah A. Nowak, Buddhapriya Chakrabarti, Tom Chou, and Ajay Gopinathan, Physical Biology, 7, 026003 (2010)
"The Non-equilibrium Behavior of Pseudo-Casimir Forces", David S. Dean and Ajay Gopinathan, J. Stat. Mech. L08001 (2009)
"Tunable Nanowrinkles on Shape Memory Polymer Sheets", Chi-Cheng Fu, Anthony Grimes, Maureen Long, Christopher G. L. Ferri, Brent D. Rich, Somnath Ghosh, Sayantani Ghosh, Luke P. Lee, Ajay Gopinathan, Michelle Khine, Advanced Materials, 21(44) 4472 (2009)
“Optimal Kinetics for Chaperonin Assisted Protein Folding”, Igor Goncharenko and Ajay Gopinathan,IAENG Transactions on Engineering Technologies 2, p13 (2009)
“Optimal Yield Rates in Enzymatic Reactions with Undesirable Intermediate States”, Igor Goncharenko and Ajay Gopinathan, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Biology (WCECS 2008), p24 (2008)
“Diffusion and binding of finite-size particles in confined geometries”, Mark L. Henle, Brian DiDonna, Christian D. Santangelo, and Ajay Gopinathan, Phys. Rev. E 78, 031118 (2008)
“Polymer Translocation in Crowded Environments”, Ajay Gopinathan and Y.W. Kim, Phys. Rev. Lett., 99, 228106 (2007)
“Branching, Capping, and Severing in Dynamic Actin Structures”, Ajay Gopinathan, J. Schwarz, K.C. Lee and A.J. Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett., 99, 058103 (2007)
“Nanostructure of the Interpenetrating Networks in Poly(3-hexylthiophene)/fullerene Bulk Heterojunction Materials: Implications for Charge Transport”, Wanli Ma, Ajay Gopinathan and Alan. J. Heeger, Advanced Materials, 19(21), 3656 (2007)
2006 and earlier
“Dynamics of Membranes Driven by Actin Polymerization”, Nir Gov, and Ajay Gopinathan, Biophys .J , 90(2), 454 (2006)
“Kinetic Self-Assembly of Metals on Co-Polymer Templates”, Ajay Gopinathan, Phys. Rev. E, 71(4) 041601 (2005)
“Statistically Locked-in Transport through Periodic Potential Arrays”, Ajay Gopinathan and D.G. Grier,Phys. Rev. Lett., 92, 130602 (2004)
“Defect Formation and Kinetics of Atomic Terrace Merging”, Ajay Gopinathan and T.A. Witten, Phys. Rev. E., 70, 041603 (2004)
“Trapping of Vibrational Energy in Crumpled Sheets”, Ajay Gopinathan, T.A. Witten and S.C. Venkataramani, Phys. Rev. E., 65, 036613 (2002)
“Weak Long Range Casimir Attraction in Colloidal Crystals”, Ajay Gopinathan, T. Zhou, S.N. Coppersmith, L.P. Kadanoff and D.G. Grier, Europhys. Lett., 57 (3), 451 (2002)
“Scaling Exponent β for Coarsening in a 1D q-state Potts System”, Ajay Gopinathan, J. Phys. A. 31, 5499 (1998)